Casey Chen invites us to reconsider our relationship with everyday objects...
Casey Chen’s latest series Double Happiness, converses with the exchange of traditional craftsmanship and the whimsy of play and nostalgia. Each piece prominently displays the double happiness symbol, a motif often associated with marriage and joyous occasions. However, Chen’s use of this symbol transcends its conventional connotations, exploring a broader narrative within pop culture. Reminiscent of cheap imported cigarettes and Chinatown kitsch, the symbol becomes an aesthetic cultural reference that resonates with a generation that finds beauty and significance in the mundane and the mass-produced.
Casey Chen’s ceramics invite us to reconsider our relationship with everyday objects and the cultural symbols they bear. This series of bowls not only pays homage to the rich history of ceramics but also reimagines their place in the modern world, making them relevant and resonant for today’s audience.
Double Happiness is now on display at our Surry Hills gallery.