‘Seasonal Shifts’ is a group exhibition that explores multifaceted relationships with the passage of time and our natural surroundings. Each artist invites consideration of our role within, not apart from, the natural world.
The show suggests the impact of natural forces on our minds and bodies, and ways our inner lives intertwine with the natural world around us.
A program of free events at the gallery offers diverse ways to experience the exhibition, including curator-led tours that deliver background on the works and the artists, ‘Quiet Hours’ for low-stimuli art viewing and Storytime sessions for children and their guardians.
A community-led artwork by Hiromi Tango builds a collaborative sanctuary for expression and transformation. It presents an interactive gallery experience where visitors can craft blooms, buds and foliage from upcycled textiles, and contribute them to the gallery wall.
The Gallery has commissioned Annika Romeyn to make new work for ‘Seasonal Shifts’. The commission has allowed the artist to revisit a costal site she ongoingly documents. Her practice of continual repetition is also applied to her works, which suggest cumulative experience and memory.
‘Seasonal Shifts’ reflects how we can experience nature in cycles, with its transformations marking time and seasons, anchoring memories, and stirring metaphors that deepen our sense of self.