Beijing-based artist Ye Funa presents their audience-participatory installation TRANSFORM.ME [易装 · 癖] on the ground floor of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art. This transformative experience turns the gallery into a cyber grunge salon, paying homage to China's SMART (Sha-ma-te) subculture as it has evolved from rural provinces to the vibrant urban youth culture.
Blurring the lines between commercial display and art exhibition, TRANSFORM.ME [易装 · 癖] appropriates concepts of devices, display, reflection and image perfection. This dynamic space serves as a mirror for the rebirth and regeneration inherent in the online self-expression of populist street culture.
Artist: Ye Funa
Curator: Thea-Mai Baumann
Dates: 10 February – 31 March 2024
Venue: 4A Centre for Contemporary Asia Art (Ground Floor), 4A Lab
Top image: Sin Wai Kin, The One (still), 2021, single channel video. Courtesy the artist and Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong