Twisted Tales explores the loss of innocence with adulthood through an unsettling reinvention of childhood figures and their stories. My work is immersed in the visual language of children’s cartoons and fantasy creatures, investigating the characteristics that can simultaneously make these creatures so endearing and engaging, yet also unnatural and unsettling.
My ceramic forms are built from the ground up, in response to the material I am using, with each extension upon this base, being guided by an initial mental image. Constructing the form until a certain fantastical appearance is achieved. Merging disciplines, through the exploration of textiles and metal has allowed me to create an immersive experience which gradually lures people into the scene through nostalgic and associative elements.
Offering people a glimpse into my childhood and allowing them to draw parallels between the characters I create and those familiar from their own childhood experiences. At first, the works appear playful and humorous, but lingering undertones of uneasiness are conveyed through facial expressions or positions of the body.