Sophie Spence and Adrian J. Song collaborate to repurpose/reassemble each others discarded projects after a gruelling year of research based creative practice. Through this exchange they explore notions of failure.
A discarded poem about losing a puppy, a collection of audio recordings of sunrises, videos of me jogging from an unflattering perspective, torn up test prints, a folder of cowboy clippings, photographs of people pondering at art, a mock up for a solo performance of Chinese whispers.
Why do we abandon ideas, and what could they mean to someone else?
Trinh T. Minh-ha writes, “Nonsense, blanks, holes, and gaps could be manifestations of confusion, but they also open up to new possibilities if we don’t try to fill them with the pre-known and the familiar.”
Opening night Thur 11 Jan 2024, 6pm–8pm