Luke Chueh's It is what it is is a collection of new paintings that oscillate between cute and macabre, using dark humour to explore deeper themes.
Opening reception: Saturday Nov 23rd, 6 - 9pm.
This exhibition will run from Nov 24th - Dec 13th and will coincide with Jana Brike's Children Of The Sun, Jeff Gillette's Disillusioned, Jale Soysal's Red Reflections and Larysa Bernhardt's Sublimations.
As the title suggests, It is what it is is not bound by a singular concept or theme. Instead, the works interweave a spectrum of narratives, from the whimsical to the introspective and occasionally brutal, blood-soaked violence. Chueh's signature anthropomorphic animal characters and minimalist style bring these varied stories to life, drawing the audience into his raw and expressive world. At once haunting and humorous, Chueh's work often blurs the line between cute and brutal in novel ways. Unafraid to address complex and controversial topics such as race and self-destructive behaviour, Chueh explores themes of loneliness, depression, and the meaning of existence, encouraging viewers to confront their fears and insecurities in the process. It is what it is is an invitation to reflect on the human experience in all its beauty, tragedy, and absurdity.
Luke Chueh is a Chinese-American contemporary artist renowned for his distinctive style, a modern blend of pop art, minimalism, and surrealism. His work delves into the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and identity, offering insightful commentary on modern society and the human experience. Chueh often depicts anthropomorphic characters, such as bears or rabbits, as emotional stand ins, these avatars are portrayed scenarios, ranging from the absurd to the melancholy, reflecting the varied scope of human experiences and emotions.