Each character, lovingly depicted by Gamb, strives to maintain their sweetness amidst personal foibles and predicaments. Each work delves into themes of innocence and nostalgia, juxtaposed with an emerging sense of dread and futility. Gamb has created many of these works as a means to discover joy in a world perceived as tumultuous. Her care and love for these characters are evident, and the works invoke an admiration for their resilience; they persist in their endeavours despite the setbacks. Gamb's work champions the pursuit of happiness and tenderness in any available form, especially if it involves crafting one's own symbols of joy, like a crown made from felt and pompoms.
Katie Gamb is an illustrator living and painting in a small, cozy corner of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her love of narrative and the natural world informs her artwork, which is influenced by the fairy tales she immersed herself in as a shy, bookish child, as well as the forests she wandered growing up in the rural Midwest. She particularly enjoyed studying tiny worlds that often went unnoticed, creating backstories and personalities for the creatures she came across.
Since graduating from Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design with a BFA in Illustration, her work has been shown in galleries around the world. Although most of her time is spent drawing and painting, she still reads voraciously and wanders among the trees whenever she gets the chance.