An exhibition curated by Joyce Hinterding and David Haines. Ultra-Sonic weaves unconventional musical and sonic lines through the flotsam and jetsam of the shipwreck of installation art to create a new territory in an upended world – Peter Blamey, Lichen Kelp, Dylan Martorell, Naomi Oliver, and Kusum Normoyle create musical and non-musical kingdoms in which everything shakes and moves. David Haines and Joyce Hinterding have worked collaboratively and independently for over twenty years to investigate the unseen forces that accompany our existence. Their multi-disciplinary practice employs antennae, scents, photographs, drawings, and actions, which illuminate otherwise invisible events. Haines & Hinterding's initial scientific enquiries are adapted into sophisticated, poetic provocations, which unsettle the privileging of vision or 'ocularcentrism'. They are represented by Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney and lecturers at Sydney College of the Arts.